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Cure Jealousy

Our treatment of jealousy is just as unique as our experience and knowledge that prompted us to begin We began our career in therapy by successfully treating phobias within individuals and after years working within this area, we began to notice the similarities between phobias and jealousy. We observed the approach and end goals of alternative treatments and were unable to find a therapy that completely cured jealousy. This motivated us to begin, so we could offer the cure for jealousy that people deserve.  

We understand how debilitating living with jealousy is and we want to help people find a life without these negative thoughts and feelings. It is a common misconception that we must learn to live with jealousy or that the appropriate treatment is to simply minimize the emotional responses that we have to our thoughts. However, studies prove that this is not an effective method of long term treatment and in the vast majority of cases, the jealousy only resurfaces, weeks, months or often years later. 

In our nine years of experience curing jealousy in individuals, our treatment has proven 100% effective and we have never let anybody down. Encompassing many of the same principles as psychotherapy, we understand the fundamentals when it comes to acknowledging the thought processes and emotional responses associated with jealousy.

We are here to help, no matter where you are in the world...

We wanted to make our treatment program available to everyone, across the globe. We believe that treatment should be available to everyone, no matter where in the world you are located, which is why our treatment program is based online and via one to one telephone sessions with your personal therapist. You will receive the same high standard of treatment as if you were face-to-face with your therapist, without the hassle and expense of having to travel or take extra time off work to maintain your appointments. We are here to work around you and your life.

We Guarantee a Cure for Your Jealousy

We are confident in our ability to remove these unwanted feelings from people’s lives and we are proud to be able to send our clients on their way to a life free from jealousy. This is why we offer our guarantee. To make our online therapy program more accessible, you only pay one fixed rate of £680, to receive as many sessions with your personal therapist as you need to decide that you have become jealousy free. 

In our nine years of curing jealousy, we have never let a client down and we will not give up until you are 100% free from jealousy, for life.

Our Treatment Process

Our therapy encompasses many of the same principles of psychotherapy, but with a deeper understanding of how our feelings and emotions are connected with our body and subconscious. Knowing exactly how jealousy operates is our key to successful treatment, which you can find out more about on our “What is Jealousy?”

“So far, we have helped around 1000 people all around the world learn to live a life free from jealousy and we wish to help many more couples around the globe find happiness in their loving relationship.”

In just a few steps, you can join the thousands of others who have achieved freedom from jealousy:

Step 1

Call us on UK Toll Free 0800 041 8148 to talk to us directly and discover whether this treatment is going to be the right choice for you. The decision is all yours and we do not begin the treatment process until you are 100% sure that this is the right approach for you. During this phone call, we will get to know a little bit about you and the feelings that you have been experiencing. 

Step 2

Once you have decided that this is the right course of treatment for you, you will receive the one time invoice of £680 and we can get your first therapy session booked. You will receive a welcome email informing you of the next steps in your treatment program, to help you prepare for your first telephone therapy session.

Step 3

When it is time for your first therapy session, your therapist will call you at the agreed time to begin your treatment program. Because we understand that jealousy manifests itself in individuals differently, our phone therapy sessions can last anywhere between 10-50 minutes, depending on each case.

Step 4

Once your first session is completed, you will then arrange your next session with your therapist for the following week. You will arrange every following session at the end of each phone call with your therapist. 

Step 5

We will then begin to introduce longer periods of time between sessions. First, we will introduce fortnightly sessions instead of weekly, then a session after three weeks, continuously evaluating your progression through the treatment. 

Step 6

From the date of your first session with us, you have a full year to decide if you need more sessions with your personal therapist and it is only when you are ready that the treatment will end. 

When the time has come for you to decide that you have successfully overcome jealousy, simply phone us to let us know that you are ready to end treatment. The decision is always in your hands and we will not give up on you until your jealousy has disappeared.

Our Unique Approach

We begin our treatment program by getting to know exactly how your jealousy began and the feelings and emotions that you associate with it. We understand that in order to change our brain’s negative responses surrounding jealousy, we must revisit the reference event (the first time that you experienced the feelings associated with jealousy) and acknowledge the role that our senses played. 

Since our jealousy is a learned response, like many things we learn, over time it becomes something that we do without thinking; subconsciously. Because of this, it is, of course, possible to unlearn this subconscious response and reframe our physical and emotional reactions to jealousy. 

During your therapy sessions with your personal therapist, you will be guided back to your reference event where you will revisit the moment that your jealousy began. You will become aware of the physical sensations that your body experiences as you are shown how to begin to understand your jealousy. Whilst in the past, you may have tried to ignore the physical sensations which accompany your jealousy, focussing on them and learning to understand them is essential to overcome jealous thoughts and feelings. 

You will receive advice to assist your recovery between sessions so that you will never feel as if you are out of control of the situation again and with our proven, fast results, you will feel the release of jealousy’s hold on your life, getting weaker each day. 

Once we understand the thoughts and physical sensations that you experience, where they take place within the body, their sensory responses and how they affect your emotions, we can work to reframe them. 

By reframing the thoughts and feelings associated with jealousy, we can completely eliminate the negative emotions which are associated with it, permanently adjusting the way that your subconscious responds in such situations. As a result, you will see your self-confidence grow, your mood will improve and your relationship will become stronger than ever. 

Book your free one-to-one, 20-minute consultation today with one of our experienced jealousy experts.

“We believe that all relationships should be loving, happy and healthy, but certain issues may sometimes require additional help. Which is why we have dedicated over nine years to help couples make their relationship the best it can be.”

Call UK Toll Free +44 (0)800 041 8148 for Free Advice or Therapy or Book a Free 20-Minute Phone Consultation