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Symptoms of Jealousy

 A common problem in relationships is a need for control. It can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between a genuine want to help or if the need for control is a sign of an underlying, untreated problem. 

Controlling behavior and jealousy often go hand in hand and if left untreated it can prevent you from living your own life. If you have a jealous and possessive partner, it can make you feel like you are under constant scrutiny. If you are finding yourself displaying controlling behavior, you may be experiencing unwanted feelings of jealousy which prevent you from being happy within yourself and your relationship. 

Jealousy within a relationship is difficult to live with from both sides, but it is important to know that you do not need to learn how to live with this. 

The first step to a life free from jealousy is recognizing the symptoms. Here are 10 common symptoms of jealousy... 

Wanting to Know Their Whereabouts

A jealous partner may constantly ask about what their other half is doing, where they are going or who they are going with. They want to know every detail about their day and often get upset or angry if they do not tell them. In their head, not wanting to share every detail means there is dishonesty in the relationship. 

If their questions are answered, they may accuse their partner of being dishonest. It can feel like a catch 22. 

Constant Phone Calls

A partner who frequently calls to check up on their significant other could be suffering from feelings of jealousy. They may ask when their partner will be finished or put pressure on them to come home, leaving them feeling like they are living their life on a short leash. Ignoring the phone calls will upset and anger a jealous person and may even cause them to make accusations towards their partner. 

Showing Up Unannounced

It may seem extreme, however, jealous partners may feel so anxious whilst they are away from their other half that they make excuses to see them out of the blue. They may appear at their partner's workplace unannounced or whilst they are with their friends. This kind of behavior is unacceptable and needs to be addressed immediately.

 Lack of Independence

A jealous person often tries to heavily influence their partner's decisions and does not accept it when they make a decision that they do not agree with themselves. They may explain that they are behaving in such a way out of love and care, however, it is important to have the freedom to make independent decisions to maintain a happy and healthy relationship.  

Loss of Freedom

Whilst closeness in a relationship is important and understanding each other's needs is essential in maintaining a happy, loving relationship, when the closeness becomes suffocating, it may be time to take a step back. 

A jealous partner often dislikes it when their significant other has fun without them. They get upset when their partners attend events or parties, making their other half feel guilty for going and having a good time without them. They may start to cancel going out with friends or to events to prevent the negative reaction from their jealous partner.

They Dislike Social Interaction Outside the Relationship

They may take a disliking to their partners, friends or family without any reason to do so. The jealous partner might frequently criticize their significant other or get upset when they want to spend time with their friends. They wish to be the only one that they admire, seek comfort in and spend time with. 

The World Revolves Around Them

Being in a relationship with someone jealous can make the other half feel like they are having to organize their whole life around them. A jealous person may want to approve every decision their partner makes and can end up suffocating them. 

Checking Social Media

Social media can be a jealous partner's worst enemy. There should be trust and freedom in every relationship and when a partner starts to check their significant other's social media accounts, the trust is broken. Searching through a partner's emails, messages, likes, comments and friend requests is intrusive behavior and must be brought to attention.

Every relationship needs closeness and communication, but it is also important to respect each other's privacy. A jealous partner may even request or demand that their other half gives them their account passwords.

No More “Me Time”

A jealous partner may not understand the need for space in a relationship. It is so important to retain your own interests, passions and have time to yourself when you are in a relationship, so when a partner will not accept that their other half would like some “me time”, it can lead to tension within the relationship.

Guilt Tripping

Whilst jealousy manifests itself in different ways, a common sign is when a jealous partner makes their partner feel guilty about their actions. Going out with friends and having fun without them, replying to comments on social media, having to work overtime with work, all become dreaded scenarios. The jealous partner can be challenging on these subjects and come across controlling or manipulative.


Experiencing any of these symptoms within a relationship does not mean that your relationship will not work or that it is not worthy of saving. However, it is important to distinguish between whether the symptoms are that of jealousy or manipulation and control. Destructive relationships are unhealthy and do not benefit either person. But, when a person suffers from jealousy, they can feel just as trapped as the partner who feels like they are being controlled. This is where we can help.

It is important to remember that you love your partner for the person they are. Jealousy is not a part of who they are, rather something that they are suffering with. We can help you cure you or your partner's jealousy, so you can look forward to a happy, healthy and loving relationship in the future.

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